Friday, July 30, 2010

Going Gangbusters

Thats our boy! Jonah is just amazing. In the two weeks that he's been at the LC he has come ahead in leaps and bounds. On Monday his carers were so excited, not only had Jonah shown interest in another child, he had gotten so in this boys face that he (the other child) reciprocated and apparently it was the FIRST time EVER that this little boy had shown interest in anyone. The carers couldn't wait to tell me but were moreso excited about telling the other little boys Mum lol. Seems Jonah does play nicely with others!

From what they said, Jonah was following this little guy around but was being completely ignored in return. The little guy stopped walking and looked down, Jonah walked around to the front of him, knelt down and looked up into the boys face. This caused them both to burst into laughter, something the staff had never seen from the other little guy.

Great stuff Jman!

And, I am happy to report that Jonah regularly brings us his cup to be filled and if there is any mention whatsoever of the C.A.R (we don't say that word!) he runs around gathering all of our jackets and shoes so we can hurry the hell up to go for a ride in the C.A.R :P

I'm getting a new camera soon and this blog will soon be fillled with pics!


  1. That is freakin amazing news - for both of the boys! You must be so proud Donna - as I am of you! Well done J-man! :)

  2. Fantastic news - I bet you wish you were a fly on the wall that day. This is just so exciting. xxx
