Friday, February 12, 2010

Why the Wolf.

I opened the door, the wolf was there. Snarling, biting and salivating, nipping at the heels of my baby as I tried to hold him high to safety.

The wolf was there. Unphased by me as I kicked and kicked it. Crying and screaming, I tried, so very hard to kick it back out that bloody door but it would not go.

The wolf was there. It had been seeking him, stalking and lurking outside knowing full well where its prey was and knowing it was stronger than me.

I'd seen the wolf, I'd seen it lurking there and I ignored it, never thinking it would get in, never thinking it would take my precious son, my sweet darling baby.

But the wolf grew, fed by an unknown force until it was so strong I could ignore it no more. I kicked, I kicked it hard. I told the others and they could also see it but they could not help me, they could not help him.

I held my precious child high for as long as I could, trying to protect him, to shield him from the viscious and unforgiving attack from the wolf but I could hold him no more. My arms screamed in pain and my heart stopped beating as I uncurled my bleeding fingers, gave in and lowered him to the wolf.

This wolf is too strong, and it has taken my child. But I will kick and I will kick until I find a way to unlock its jaws and snatch my baby back.

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